Expert: China's diplomacy promotes shared future for mankind

  • 02.07.2021
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China is a reliable partner to all countries in the international community, not an institutional opponent, said Yu Jiang, deputy director of the Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy Studies Centre and vice-president of the China Institute of International Studies, in an exclusive interview with China Daily.

Yu mentioned that China will adhere to its own system and development path and also respects the systems and development paths chosen by other countries.

"China respects differences in the social systems and ideologies, cherishes the diversity of different civilizations, and carries out mutually beneficial cooperation on the basis of mutual respect," Yu remarked as he answered questions related to China's foreign policies and foreign affairs asked by readers around the world.

China Daily has been conducting an in-depth survey since February with our global media partners on what readers want to know about China.

According to the survey, China's foreign policies and foreign affairs are one among the most-watched topics as readers and media have been interested in how China has quickly contained the pandemic and launched nationwide vaccinations.

"After a year of hardship, we can understand more than ever the significance of a community with a shared future for mankind," President Xi Jinping said in his 2021 New Year address on Dec 31, 2020.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China has been at the forefront of the global fight – believing that COVID-19 knows no borders and cannot be defeated without working together, said Yu.

"President Xi Jinping has been busy calling leaders across the world and rallying global coordination in managing the coronavirus outbreak. Chinese health experts have hosted video conferences with those from other countries to share experiences," said Yu.

"Under the correct guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, guided by the head-of-state diplomatic endeavors, we are committed to promoting international cooperation in vaccine drug research and international joint prevention and control," said Yu.

In the global fight against COVID-19, China has launched as promptly as possible an emergency humanitarian operation, and has provided medical supplies to over 150 countries and 13 international organizations, Yu added. To date, China has provided 438 million doses of Chinese vaccines and raw ingredients to over 90 countries and international organizations.

"We oppose vaccine nationalism. China carries out international anti-epidemic cooperation without any geopolitical intention. We are only interested in safeguarding the health and well-being of all mankind. China will support international efforts to defeat the virus," said Yu.

The world is encountering changes unseen in a century, Yu added. At this historical crossroads, China has been exploring its development path forward. "The leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is the biggest political advantage of China's diplomacy and the fundamental safeguard for continued victory in China's diplomacy."

"I believe China's diplomacy will firmly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind," he said.